ABOUT US (テラ・モンテッソーリ・スクールとは)
Terra Montessori School is a home-based child care facility providing a quality Montessori education in Los Angeles. A Japanese teacher with an international license from the Association Montessori Internationale (www.ami-global.org) and a master's degree in education teaches all lessons in Japanese. An English teacher teaches alphabets and phonetic word-building as well as introduces children to different cultures through Continent of the Month program.
"Provide education and experiences that we would want for our own children" is the basic principle behind our school programs. At Terra Montessori School, a child will have:
1. Quality Montessori education - with 3-hour work period
2. Versatile cultural experiences - Continent of the Month program
3. Cooking experiences - once-a-week baking day & once-a-month pizza day
4. Physical activities - age-appropriate structured physical activities
5. Art experiences - different ways to use crayons, paint brushes, colored pencils, etc.
6. Musical experiences - singing, listening to classical music, etc.
Because we want to share and embrace those special moments with you, parents and guardians will be invited to watch live streaming of the school webcam.
テラ・モンテッソーリ・スクールは、日本語でモンテッソーリ教育を提供する小規模な保育所です。主なレッスンは国際モンテッソーリ協会(Association Montessori Internationale: www.ami-global.org)からモンテッソーリ教師の国際資格を取得し、教育学の修士号を有する職員が日本語で行いますが、ネイティブの先生が英語の他にも世界7大陸のいろいろな文化について紹介します。
① 質の高いモンテッソーリ教育: 3時間連続のお仕事の時間
② 多文化体験: 「今月の大陸」プログラム
③ 料理体験: 週に一度のおやつ作りと月に一度のピザ作り
④ 運動体験: 年齢に適した運動プログラム
⑤ 芸術体験: クレヨン、ブラシ、色鉛筆の使い方、等
⑥ 音楽体験: 歌を歌う、クラッシック音楽を聴く、等
Hatano Family Child Care Home CA License No. 197419560